MOBILEFIRST — APP Demos & Explainer
This video has the App Demo spliced out. It also differs from the second video on this page in that it features v3 of the intro sequence which had been iterated over the course of a year
Mobilefirst App demos
This project marked my first professional experience working for a client and I'm still proud of it to this day.
I was hired by IBM's business division to create a series of demo videos for the apps they developed in partnership with Apple.
Dive Inside — Explainer video
IBM's Mobilefirst infrastructure is built on years of experience IBM has accrued working with enterprise systems. Dive inside was created to tell the story of the inner structure the larger app ecosystem is based on.
The myriad videos we produced are somewhere in my archives, but I think you’ll get the gist of it from these two example videos.
As the sole designer and animator on the project, I leveraged my skills in design that I had learned in school, and animation, honed through self-teaching.
The template system consisted of an intro and explainer outro that needed to be designed and rigged for a seamless transition between iPhone and iPad demo videos.
This video is a better representation of the vast majority of videos I created for this project, it features the first version of the intro, and shows the seamless transition between Intro -> App Demo -> ‘Dive inside’ Explainer.
One of the more interesting creative problems in this project was following Apple's guidelines for using images of their devices. The intro needed to show a multitude of apps and devices, but I was constrained by a rule that stated Apple devices could not run off the edge of the screen.
To overcome this challenge, I created a dynamic sequence of devices blooming outwards with a camera panning effect, never stopping to avoid any partially occluded devices in a single frame."